Thank you to everyone that supported STEMAZING!
NatWest “BackHerBusiness” Crowdfunding Initiative
Natwest Bank ran an initiative called Back Her Business to support women who want to start their own businesses through a National Crowdfunding competition. STEMAZING was successful in reaching our target so Natwest match funded 50% to support this new business. Thanks to the fantastic support from everyone that pledged and shared our crowdfunding page.
It's closed now but if you still want to support STEMAZING please get in touch.

Latest Stemazing activities and news
Whilst in Lockdown we've been creating loads of simple, fun, interesting STEM activities to do at home with kids. We also ran a survey for girls aged 13-18 on STEM perceptions and are building a library of videos from women in STEM jobs to show the variety of interesting jobs out there if you pursue STEM! Check out StemazingKids and StemazingWomen for more info.