STEMAZING Mentoring Programme 2025
You are applying to take part in this programme as a MENTOR (open to all genders to apply).
This programme involves a development opportunity for Mentors to grow their skills, confidence and toolbox for effective mentoring through training delivered by STEMAZING.
Please complete the form below with as much detail as possible to help us match you with a suitable mentee.
Please note your information is managed in accordance with our GDPR and Data Privacy Policy and will only be used for the purposes of this programme.
Have you been a mentor before?
(Please note previous mentoring experience is not a requirement for this programme as we provide training for mentors)
Have you had a mentor yourself before? *
We expect mentors to commit 2 hours a month from March 2025 – Dec 2025 for this mentoring programme. Your training will take place in March, and the mentoring relationship will run April to Dec. Can you commit to this?*
Please rate your confidence as a mentor for women in STEM? 5 being high and 1 being low. (please be honest, if you are not confident that is fine which is why we do our training first)*
Please rate your current skillset and toolbox for being an effective mentor. 5 being high and 1 being low. (please be honest, our training will support you to enhance this further).
Selected Mentors will get access to our Mentor Training tutorials. join a group of other new STEMAZING mentors in monthly online Mentor Circles for additional live support, plus join a mentors' WhatsApp Group. Do you consent to:
The Training programme for MENTORS is valued at £1,497 + VAT and is included as a benefit in our STEMAZING Partnership packages (check STEMAZING Partners below).
If your organisation has a training and development budget for you they may be able to fund your place. You are also able to sefl-fund to guarantee your place.
We also have a limited number of scholarships available to provide fully-funded Mentor Training places for Mentors who are not from STEMAZING Partner organisations, or unable to self-fund.
Please select whether you are from a Partner organisation
Please let us know which of the following options apply to you to cover the costs of your place on this Mentor Training and Development Programme. (you can tick more than one)
Please click submit to register your interest in taking part. We will be in touch with you by mid February to confirm whether you have been selected to take part in this programme.